Tag Archives: physics

[sims 2014] Ribbon drawing prototype

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 11.20.36 PMI’m trying to finish this “ribbon drawing” tool. It is now stable, allowing users to add, reset and erase the shapes. I also added some new physics simulations (attraction, wind) and fixed others — springs are stable and oscillation can interact with other simulations.

Finally, I added the option to “playback” the drawing and record everything as a png sequence — so people can use it to make videos.

Github repo here.

[sims 2014] Vector Fields

1. Changing direction based on mouse movement.

2. Reading pixels from camera and changing direction of vector field based on their brightness.


3. 3D vector field with Perlin noise. The skecth is pretty buggy, though. I wasn’t able to add a camera nor particles. Any simple change makes it crash.

Github repo here.

[sims 2014] Ribbon drawing prototype (midterm)

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 11.18.33 PM

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 11.20.42 PM

I’m trying to make this drawing tool that generates ribbons. The final goal is to allow people to draw some interesting things — I can only think of calligraphic shapes, but anyway. And, hopefully, they can apply some physics effects and export everything as a video.
This tool has ONE user in mind: Laura. She needs it to make some letterings.

Everything on the class github.